When it comes to sources, I tried really hard to make them as reliable as possible. I used a scientific research article as well as other reputable websites to validate the claims being made. For every post I altered between articles that defended my position on the subject of vaccines, and then I found articles that went against what I thought. I think it is really important to show both sides of the issue, not just to help me make a decision, but for individuals to form their own opinion.
I believe that so far, my stance on the subject is firm. I feel like through my research, I have found the answer to my question "Do vaccines cause or contribute the development of autism?" I would still like to do more research on this subject for our next assignment just so I can have as many sources, evidence and reliable information as I can. For this next assignment, I would like to show the evidence I have gathered and argue that vaccines do not cause or contribute to autism.
This debate is going to be ongoing for so many years to come. I have nothing against people who choose not to vaccinate their children. Everybody has their own reason whether it's because of the autism scare or something different. This blog has just been me presenting the research and articles that I have found pertaining to the subject. Who knows what research is going to show 10 years from now. Who knows what the medical and scientific world are going to be like 25 years from now. All we can do is continue to do research and making progress and attempting to answer the questions that may or may not be answerable.
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